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Sleep Course

Solid sleep is LIFE-CHANGING!

If you can commit and follow the Just Love Way, within 1 week life as you know it, will start to change! You will feel well-rested, present, and connected to your little ones. You'll see joy in the small things and have a happier well-rested baby!



After a rough few nights with Frank waking multiple times, I found Cherie's course online and was able to complete it within an hour that morning. We made a few tweaks that day/night - since then he has consistently only woken once in the night! His naps during the day have also really improved. We're all very happy!!


4 months


I was reaching breaking point and really questioning if I knew what I was doing! Cherie's course has given me back my confidence, and we are all getting some much needed sleep now! I love that I have this App on my phone, so if I'm ever unsure, I know where to find answers. Thank you so much!


16 weeks

Upgrade to a 1:1 Support Package

If the DIY approach is not for you, and you would rather have a customized sleep plan and support for your little one, I offer 1:1 support packages where we work together over 1 or 2 weeks.  

Sleep Consultant Cherie Richards at desk

Meet  Cherie...

I'm a mum of 4 and I totally understand how hard and exhausting parenting is!


I’m super passionate about supporting parents in the hard times of parenthood, hence why I became an Internationally Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant. Often half the battle when it comes to sleep issues is needing someone to bounce ideas off. You can’t focus when you are sleep deprived, you may try to read endless sleep books or sign up for online sleep programs, but really, you need someone to come alongside you, listen, hold your hand and say...




If you need further help with your little one's sleep, from sleep regressions & early wake ups, night wake ups and problems with naps, to recommendations on sleep products such as black out blinds, swaddles and dummies, send me a message. 


I know we can turn your life around and enable solid sleep for your little ones. Sleep deprivation robs us of those parenting joys and our little ones CAN sleep well! I can't wait to work with you and set your family up with good sleepers for life.


Together we can get your little one to Just Love Sleep!


you can do this!

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