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Learn to Just Love Sleep...
If you have a particular sleep need for your baby or toddler, or you are just trying to navigate a particular stage, check out my sleep advice below! More advice is added regularly so mark this as a valuable resource to come back to. And if you have a particular query, send me a message and we can have a free 15 minute sleep chat!
Why I recommend a short morning nap and longer lunch time nap
Night weaning: Is your little one waking overnight from hunger or habit?
False starts - put a stop to waking up shortly after bedtime
Sleep Regressions 101 - The what, when & how to survive sleep regressions
How to resolve Catnaps - Why your little one catnaps & how to resolve them
A New Sibling - 10 Tips to help your toddler adjust to a newborn
The 2 - 1 nap transition - Is your toddler ready to transition to one nap?
The 3 - 2 nap transition - How & when to transition from 3 naps to 2 naps
Daylight Savings - How to handle the end of daylight savings with ease!
Toddler sleep - 5 ways to help your toddler with bedtime stalling tactics
Dropping the day nap - Is it time to ditch the day nap for your toddler?
Dummies / Pacifiers - The low down on dummy's - when to use them and how to ditch them!
12 month sleep regression - How to help your little one through this regression!
Early morning wake-ups - The 7 culprits of early morning wakeups
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